COP Lending Library
Click HERE for a list of CDs and DVDs that you can lend from our librarian (e.g., from Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Father Arico, Thomas Merton, Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler)
There are many websites to learn more about Centering Prayer and other contemplative practices taught by Contemplative Outreach. A great way to start is to explore the website of Contemplative Outreach Ltd
YouTube Programs
For instructions on how to do Centering Prayer, here are the two classic videos of Thomas Keating
This video series is a 5-part introductory program to Centering Prayer, designed to be watched over a 5 week period
For an in-depth teaching by Thomas Keating on Centering Prayer, the Human Condition, and the Spiritual Journey, check out this video series